Thursday, November 20, 2008

Top 5 Foods That Lower Blood Pressure

Why are you worried while you have exact foods that lower blood pressure? Whenever you feel discomfort at chest, immediately you seek for a doctor to diagnose and get a long charted prescription which sometimes tends to empty your pocket savings. Well, that’s not needed while you have natural hypertension remedies as a good choice. No side effects are to make you suffer in addition to the original problem. So, once you confirm pressure with an accurate blood pressure monitor, it’s better to shift over to natural medication by simply knowing the right foods to eat.

Fruits : Bananas and red grapes are heavily loaded with glucose for energy and potassium as erosive agent against fats coating inside the vascular walls. Some people are sensitive to high sugar levels. It’s bad for them to take too many daily but doing all good if the number is limited to one or two everyday. Banana is a blood pressure diet since the potassium content acting with sodium regulates viscous flow of the blood by diluting.

Fish : Fish a fish and add your dish like anything to lower high blood pressure. It’s not fried with oil but simply boiled in water to softness and may take as much as you please. It’s best with lean and healthy varieties. It serves a lot if it’s fresh rather than preserved and packed in containers. The salmon variety fish is rich in fatty acid alternatively known as Omega-3 acid which is best for heart function. A regular intake of salmon limited to once in a week serves the best to reduce high blood pressure and reverse angina.

Celery : Celery is always the most needed food for health and strength. It is a powerful food containing a unique oil to regulate blood pressure by helping to relax the muscles to promote free flow of blood in the arteries. It’s purely a natural diuretic agent causing no adverse side effects to other parts of the body.

Spinach : Spinach is rich in magnesium content which collaborates with potassium by regulating nerve function including the heart and giving immunity to the overall system of the body. The magnesium content significantly contributes to building good physique and helping for the management of hypertension to save life.

Sweet potatoes : It is rich in potassium as one of its nutrient component. You know potassium is highly needed for erosive purpose in fatty coatings on the vascular walls of the arteries to control blood pressure by natural remedy.

It’s to remember that intake of right foods for blood pressure is only supplementary and not exclusively the only way but one of the ways to keep off the risk of hypertension.

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